
Everything It Touches (Turns To Crap)

I've made a song (dance style) using clips from Mark Levin's radio show (and a single clip from Rush's show; he sings backup, my wife's favorite element of the song, lol :) ).
You can play it here.  I strongly recommend headphones!! :)

I'll edit this post later with the lyrics pasted below.
Apparently I have this song memorized.  I didn't have to consult the song once to type these up, lol. :)



Everything it touches turns to crap
         Rush (after 1st chorus): Everything this has touched...)
Everything it touches turns to crap
         Rush (after 1st chorus): ...has gone to excrement)
Everything it touches turns to crap
         Rush (after 1st chorus): ...has gone to excrement)
Everything it touches...turns to crap

Verse 1

Big government is a wrecking ball, turns everything to crap.
Look at the great disaster done by those bureaucrats!
Our liberty is in a thousand pieces - to the left it doesn't exist.
Scores of bureaucracy killing wealth, this market's extremely sick.


Verse 2

Society is destroyed by these temporary politicians.
Listen to how they speak and how they look at the Constitution!
They've been grabbing power as fast as they can - that's all they do is grab!
Land grabs!  Health care grabs! Job and industry grabs!


...turns to crap.


Economy's crap right now.
The job market's crap.
The housing market's crap right now.
Let's recap.


[Bridge simultaneous with Chorus x 2]

Verse 3

When did they seize all of this authority, which does not belong to them?
"In the name of the people" you stole it!
You violate the Constitution!
When we vote, we get to decide whether we change Washington!
Conservatives, come roaring back! (back...back...)

[Chorus x 2]

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