

The FairTax looks like a good idea. It replaces all the taxes with a sales tax. So instead of you paying an income tax and a property tax and yada yada, you would pay a sales tax. This means you wouldn't have to mess with tax return forms etc, and would mean that you would get your gross income and spend it as you'd like. Here's something nice too: illegal immigrants would be forced to pay taxes, as every time they'd buy something, they'd be paying them. Additionally, everyone would be taxed the same; no more tax brackets. You'd pay taxes according to how much you spend, not how much you earn. Sounds nice.

I've noticed that time is much more valuable than money. Money is only valuable insofar as it provides a way to sustain our bodies (i.e. food, clothing doctor bills etc.) Recently, I've had tons of homework and no spare time. The weeks have flown by. Today, I finally had some time and noticed that bills were coming in too quickly. In spite of the bills, I was content, simply because I had time. Time is much more valuable than money as it cannot be regained. Money can be earned any time you want it, but once you spend time, it's spent for good. I'm 21, about a fourth of my life is gone, maybe a fifth, if I'm lucky. Heck, I've had a pretty good time so far - I'd consider that lucky. But those 21 years I had will not come back.

Spend your years wisely. Don't do stupid things. I know it's clicheic, but seriously, don't do drugs, don't drink to excess, don't hang out with the wrong crowd. Remember that what you do will influence other people. Even if you're alone - you'll influence your future decisions. Bad decisions form habits. You guys make good decisions, ok?


Choose Joy

Greenday has a song, "Time of Your Life," which Randy and I played at our graduation. In this song one hears the overall message that life's going the way it's going to go, so hang on, make the best of it and enjoy it. I must confess that the past few months, for me, have been enjoyed. It's a weird feeling getting diagnosed with a disease, especially at so young an age. It's also somewhat frustrating. There are some days where I cry and weep, because the pain is so bad and because I cannot do anything while I'm in pain. But in spite of that, I'm still happy.

Which brings me to a familiar platitude: you are the chooser of your attitude. Seriously. There is nothing that anyone can do or circumstances that can come your way that can change your attitude. You choose it. Some people are naturally skeptical. Those people are temporarily happy when something good happens, but overall they remain skeptical. They choose to be thus. I have chosen to be happy and am.

I'm not trying to blow my own horn or present myself as an awesome individual, because I have flaws as does everyone. I find it very hard to be kind to stupid people. I know that's not Christ-like at all, but that's the kind of a jerk I am and that's what needs repair in my life. :)

All I am saying is that if you want to be happy, joyful and lighthearted, be that way. Just do it. Life is unpredictable. But if we didn't have valleys, there would be no mountains. :)

-=- Lysol Pionex

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