
Majora's Mask Clock Widget (Android App) Status Update

I've gotten some emails from a couple of people I know, and one of them has some kick-awesome graphics he's going to let me use in the app.  As soon as he gets the graphics to me, I'll put them into the widget and push out an update.

On the distant horizon, I'll get those sounds working eventually.  The code is in place, and as far as I can see it should be working. :) Apparently I'm doing something wrong.  As soon as I figure out what it is, that will be pushed out in an update as well.

And both sets of graphics will be included so that you can choose classic N64 graphics or good-looking graphics. :)  And sound will be optional.

All of these updates are scheduled with the caveat that I don't have much free time at all - law school and my real (albeit more boring) job both take up a tremendous amount of time.  Any free time that I do have, I tend to spend with my wife. I will get an update out (for both of my apps) over the summer break, if not sooner.

Again, if you've any comments/questions about the app, leave them here.